
#HorseProtectors are individuals who have taken our pledge to protect America's horses from peril! Too many horses in America need a lifeline when their owners cannot, or no longer wish to, care for their horses. Whether you are a competing equestrian, a pleasure rider, or someone who loves horses - you can help ensure that America's horses live in comfort and with purpose and dignity throughout their lives.


The names of our pledge takers are listed here.

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Ivette Babylon

Adrianna Badinger

David Bagley

Bruce Bahn

Jadyn Bailey

Grace Bakeman

Sarah Baker

Devyn Baker

Susan Baldacci

Leah Ball

Marie Banks

Sandra Barckholtz

Stephanie Barger

Celeste Barlow

Jacob Barnes

Pamela Barnes

Brittany Barnhill

Berkeley Barnholden

Thelma Baron

Rebekah Barrett

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