WESTPORT, CT - April 25, 2011 - Are you one of the millions of people of all ages that believe horses are amazing? Then, you already know that horses have a way of making us feel everything from excitement to joy to tranquility - whether it's a leg of the Triple Crown or a rodeo, a child's first pony ride or the peaceful view of a herd of horses on a green expanse.

You may also know that horses are enhancing the lives of millions of people, especially children, not just in the competitive arena but also in coping with the demands of everyday life.

You may already know that now, more than ever, horses are helping people bear the burdens of disabilities and debilitating diseases, and also people overcome economic disadvantages. Age is not a limitation - horses are helping children, adolescents, adults, and seniors. Most recently, horses are coming to the aid of children with autism - the fastest growing population who benefit from equine therapies. Additionally, as our soldiers return home from war overseas, horses are helping to rehabilitate our veterans both physically and emotionally from the traumas of war as part of a national program, Horses for Heroes.

Then, we would like to introduce you to The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., a 501c3 national foundation dedicated to securing homes and useful lives for horses, enhancing the lives of people who can benefit from horses therapeutically, competitively, and recreationally, and building a more compassionate America that values the magical and powerful bond we have with horses.

How do we do this? We provide direct financial support and a volunteer recruitment network to horse-related charities across the United States.

And, you can help! We invite you to join our free "carrots4acause" network of horse-related charities and non-profits located in the United States for individuals that are dedicated to building a more sustainable environment for horses.

The objective is to provide an easy way for individuals to align their passion for horses with real needs, help the organizations recruit volunteers and secure essential products and services, and educate, equip and mobilize as many people as possible to make a difference in the lives of horses.

Each organization is provided with a free listing consisting of a profile page with contact information, website address, a mission statement, and logo, along with the ability to post volunteering opportunities and "wish list" items to receive product donations.

It's easy to sign up and will take less than 5 minutes.

If you are an individual, the link to join is http://www.equusfoundation.org/get-involved-individual.php, or just check it out at http://www.equusfoundation.org/carrots4acause.php.

If you are aware of an eligible charity that is not currently listed, the link for the charity to apply is http://www.equusfoundation.org/get-involved-charity.php. The information you will need to apply should be readily available to you, such as your contact information, mission, horse-related programs, and an Acrobat (.pdf) version of your IRS Tax Determination Letter.

If the organization is non-profit, but not a 501c3 charity, the link to apply is http://www.equusfoundation.org/get-involved-affiliate.php.

On behalf of the hundreds of charities we have already supported, and the thousands more that we hope to support in the future, turn your passion into action and help us empower the Horse Charities of America!

For additional information on The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., visit the EQUUS website at www.equusfoundation.org or contact The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., at telephone (203) 259-1550, email to equus@equusfoundation.org.

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