WELLINGTON, FL - January 29, 2011 - The Equestrian Idol "All Stars" Musical Cabaret on Friday, February 4, 2011, presented by Tiffany & Co. Palm Beach Gardens, will not only offer guests the best in musical entertainment and cuisine, the live auction will feature Tiffany items including women's and men's watches and a diamond pendant.

The musical cabaret includes past Idol winners: Taylor Blauweiss, the first Idol, pairing with Hillary Dobbs and Susan Muench; Ki-Juan Minors, winning in 2008, pairing with Teaghan James and Robert Orthwein; and the reigning 2010 winner Brian Lookabill pairing with Casey Hodges and Jenna Wyatt.

The audience will vote live to select the finalists using mobile texting, with the 2011 winner selected by the past Idols, and the "audience judge" who wins the "Join The Judges" raffle.

"We're excited about the two new changes in our format: pairing former Idol winners with new singers, and using mobile texting as the way to vote. We're also delighted that we've expanded our talent to include singers from three different equestrian disciplines: Dressage, Polo; and Show Jumping," says Catherine Herman, co-chair of Equestrian Idol along with Patricia Keenan.

In addition to Title Sponsor Tiffany & Co. Palm Beach Gardens, sponsors include Buick and GMC, the Official Vehicle Sponsor of The EQUUS Foundation. Gold Medal sponsors include: Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carpenter, the Ann T. D'Addario Family Foundation, Britta Lippert and Caroline Moran. Silver Medal sponsors include: Jennifer Burger & Meredith Lipke, and Visse Wedell. Bronze Medal sponsors include: the Adikes-Hill Family Foundation, Patricia Adikes-Hill & Rosalind Schafer, Bobbie & Derek Braun & Split Rock Farm, Jane Forbes Clark, Louisburg Farm, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Orthwein, Quiet Corner Farm, the Steeple Chase Farm Foundation, and Jenny Wren Sutton.

The Honorary Committee includes: Dr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Abbatiello, Patricia Adikes-Hill, Bobbie Braun, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carpenter, Flavia Callari, Mr. & Mrs. Lou Dobbs, Mr. & Mrs. William Dollard, Mr. & Mrs. Luis Escobar, Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fadden, Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hall, Kris Kampsen & Alexandra Solimine, Emily Kannenstine, Marylou D'Addario Kennedy & Sean Kennedy, Mr. & Mrs. Regis Lippert, Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Phillips, Dr. Denise Quirk, Kathryn Quirk, Esq., Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Soderlund, and Visse Wedell.

In order to raise funds, The EQUUS Foundation is seeking individuals and businesses throughout the equestrian and Palm Beach communities to assist with their gracious generosity. Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. Tables of eight are available as follows: Gold $5,000; Silver $3,200; and Bronze $2,400. Individual seats are $150 per person.

For additional information on The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., visit the EQUUS website at www.equusfoundation.org or contact The EQUUS Foundation, Inc., telephone (203) 259-1550, email equus@equusfoundation.org.

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Left to Right, Ki-Juan Minors, Taylor Blauweiss, and Brian Lookabill. Photos courtesy of The EQUUS Foundation.

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